Travel Food
Move away from the traditional bagged hiking meals and instead to La Guita, the premier hiking food for deep, thought-provoking hikes.
Hiking Travel Food
La Guita was created so you can hike into the wilderness and feel comfortable. No high-heat cooking here. Instead, slowly warm La Guita — like a chef — as you enjoy the sights, sounds and scenery around you.
Quality Meals
Made with love from chefs from around the world. Why not dine well in the backcountry?
Organic ingredients without freeze drying, La Guita is the meal your body will enjoy.
Locally Sourced
Handmade with freshly cut ingredients straight from the kitchen table to you.
About Us
“Dame La Guita!” — slang in Argentina for “Give me the cash!”
Originally beginning as a joke between two friends — one an Argentinian chef and the other a Yosemite backpacker — as a friendly way to communicate, the words took on a new meaning when their skills were combined to create La Guita, the real currency when hiking in the backcountry: a natural, high-quality hiking meal.
Since then, taste has propelled La Guita into the backpacks of travelers from around the world.

Our Reviews
Listen to the hundreds of backpackers who’ve sampled La Guita for themselves.
What kind of travel hiking meal are you looking for?
Get in Touch Today
Contact us if you are interested in purchasing organic meals for your company, family, or anyone else who deserves a healthy backcountry meal.